Tuesday, 30 July 2013
Sunday, 28 July 2013
Ringmer show 27 and 28th of July.
A very nice show, compact, but with a lot of diversity. We had a lot of interest and good wishes and raised a total of £109.82, well done to all who helped. There were some very nice vehicles on display, see pictures!
Wednesday, 24 July 2013
24th of July
Out at 53 with Roger to do more welding and grinding.One side is almost there, but what will be revealed when we take off the other side sheets?! Will worry about that when we get there, but meanwhile more progress. While Roger welded, I did more painting and rust proofing, see pictures. We are out at the Ringmer steam fair this weekend, come and say hello to us.
Sunday, 21 July 2013
21st of July.
A modest attendance at the open day, but we were able to show a few more people the progress made on 53. Thanks to the Sharmans and Mr. and Mrs. Mower for catering help, great cakes folks, and to you who missed out, unkucky!
Saturday, 20 July 2013
Wednesday, 17 July 2013
17th of July
I can't keep away! Out at 53 to remove wood and check the rest of the girder with Roger. Will need welding, but can be saved, hot day to work in.
Tuesday, 16 July 2013
16th of July, part two.
Just had a donation of £500, yes, £500, from our Portsmouth member, Ian Fairhead. This is a very wonderful gesture, though I have to report that Ian is very ill at the moment. Ian and his wife Margaret have often popped up from Pompey to help man the 53 road show stall since the project started and on behalf of the society I would like to send you both the best and a lot of good wishes during this very trying time, though these seem very inadequate words.
16th of July
Don't forget, work party this Saturday, I will be on site from about 11 am and open day on Sunday for invited guests!
Sunday, 14 July 2013
Ardingly 13th and 14th of July.
Did the vintage vehicle show over the two days and made £82, a modest sum. We did have some public interest at the stand, which looked great, but not a lot of buyers. We have been offered more tram bits and you never know, we might cadge some new members. Thanks to Malcolm, John and Rodger for their help and Sunday's Spitfire fly past was pretty amazing, though one of our number, who shall remain nameless ran under the table and went "Schnell,Britischer Spitfire", I wondered which side he fought on? The society knows he had been stationed in Germany during the war, but this was a shock...
Friday, 12 July 2013
Charity number.
I am very pleased to announce that we now have a charity number, EWO1293. Feel free to donate as much as you like, we can now give you an official receipt! Thanks to Ray and El Presidente, who did post a picture of himself at 6am in the morning after a night out to the Commission, I feel this was the straw on the offical back.....
Wednesday, 10 July 2013
July 10th
Out with Roger to do some welding on the main frames. We had got going and were progressing well, when the power went off. We went to John the farmer's master switchboard, which reminded me of those hammer horror type power boards and had to replace a wire fuse. Didn't get all the list done, but 53 has had some reinforcement! Took off some more nuts that were just rust and powder, glad they have gone!
Friday, 5 July 2013
5th of July.
Out to Shoreham Port Authority today, to collect some maps. Mr. Brian Rousell had contacted the society and kindly gave us some maps of proposed tramways in Brighton, as well as a subway under Shoreham harbour. The maps are very interesting and show the proposed route down Montpelier road. I assume this was not built because a lot of houses were either to be demolished or gardens clipped! The extension from Seven Dials to Brighton station was also listed, but no connection to the Station/North Road route, interesting.Thank you very much Brian!
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