Friday, 31 December 2010
Thursday, 23 December 2010
This is the last blog before Xmas, so season's greetings to you all! We had a good meeting Monday, though the snow stopped some coming in, I trust the quiz was not too hard, I am sure it did test your tram/local knowledge to a high degree.I have just found out that Crich is shut over Xmas, but I will be in Manchester to see other rail features, the Brill quest will have to wait. If you have been following this blog, but haven't committed, join us in 2011, make it a year that you DID something, and didn't just think about it!
Sunday, 12 December 2010
Another weekend of activity, Ian has fixed the lights in one cab end,and John Z and Richard G were all doing some paint scraping. El Presidente did a little more painting on the Graz Tram and also sprayed more wood worm treatment on both cab ends after rubbing down the wood, and did some painting in one cab end. Amazing how a little paint can transform the neglect...if you are reading this and haven't joined, or worked on 53, commit now, there are many simple jobs to do.
Saturday, 4 December 2010
Friday, 3 December 2010
Saturday, 27 November 2010
Well, another day of surprises! Tony Belcher delivered a compressor, and whilst I was painting the Graz tram, he re-inflated the tyres on 53s trailer, and she now stands level! We also cut down the remainder of the tree at the front and the towing hook is now out the ground and working again! The Graz tram is gradually looking better....
Saturday, 20 November 2010
A good days work on site today.Thanks to Ian, Alan and John for moving the project forward. Alan inspected 53s chassis, oiled and gave it a list of to dos, Ian started the re-wiring of the lower saloon of 53 and John and El Presidente tackled the Graz roof and painted the sides for good measure. We both left as darkness was falling!
Rather then read about it, come out and see for yourselves, it gets addictive, I promise!
Rather then read about it, come out and see for yourselves, it gets addictive, I promise!
Sunday, 14 November 2010
Had a fair day at the BMRC exhibition today. Thanks to Keith Carter, also Nick Kelly and Gordon Dinnage for manning the stall.One ex surveyor came up and said he had surveyed a house in Brighton which had used an old tram staircase for it's loft, and some guys laying cable for Amex in the Old Steine area had come across the ties, sleepers and granite setts of the tram lines, only the rails were gone! They are in Queens Park Road soon, and promised to let us know if they find any track!!
Saturday, 13 November 2010
Don't forget the Brighton Model rail show tomorrow at Patcham, we also have a good selection of second hand transport books! We will be at the trams the following two weekends, the 29th and 21st, and the 27th and 28th. The days will depend on the weather, so if you wish to visit, let us know and we will give you directions, join in if you wish, just painting and sanding!
Wednesday, 10 November 2010
Monday, 1 November 2010
Ian Buck has found out more about the Graz tram, please note the corrected spelling! It was built in 1950, numbers 201 t o 250.Wooden frame, due to material shortages, 2 x60kW motors, with ELIN electrics.It could operate two trailer cars with only the driver, and seats 16, with 45 standing.Is standing an Austrian hobby, after all, the British queue?!
More to follow, and please we need more for the work parties, just simple painting at the moment, we have the paint, we need hands, so come on, weekends this month!
More to follow, and please we need more for the work parties, just simple painting at the moment, we have the paint, we need hands, so come on, weekends this month!
Sunday, 31 October 2010
Whew, another busy day at 53! Ian Buck and his wife came down, and Ian is our electrics expert! He is going to research the Gratz tram, and figure out 53s wiring.He reckons we CAN use the Gratz tram electrics, great if we can. Ian and his wife also kindly supplied a metal cabinet, useful for keeping the tram tidy.Due to the weather, i could not do any more painting on the Austrian tram, still some roof leaks.
I also sprayed the interior of 53 with industrial strength woodworm killer, so she is a little more protected, smelly stuff,but good.A big thank you to Gordon Dinnage for supplying that for nothing, a great help.
I also sprayed the interior of 53 with industrial strength woodworm killer, so she is a little more protected, smelly stuff,but good.A big thank you to Gordon Dinnage for supplying that for nothing, a great help.
Saturday, 30 October 2010
Had a long solo day on Wednesday, roof work on Gratz tram, and arranging sheeting on 53s roof. We are out there tomorrow, so let me know, and I will give you directions. Have also received a strong wood wormer, so 53 is on the road back, this is mask and gloves stuff!!
Had a reply from the gent in Somerset , re tram bits, When his brother died, who had the bits, he might have passed them on to Amberley, so a slim chance...
Our stock now stands at over £600, so go to 53 for that special Xmas gift, you know the missus will want a tram item...!
Had a reply from the gent in Somerset , re tram bits, When his brother died, who had the bits, he might have passed them on to Amberley, so a slim chance...
Our stock now stands at over £600, so go to 53 for that special Xmas gift, you know the missus will want a tram item...!
Wednesday, 27 October 2010
If you don't know already, the society has been given the address of the dude who might have some F class bits. I have written to the gent concerned, and await a reply. Thanks to the sharp eyes of Tony B, we are about to bid for a makers plate on e-bay, for tram 54! Some maps have come into our possession of the Acts Of Parliament for various extensions in Brighton, some happened, some didn't. A tram line down Montpelier Road anyone, then turning into Western Road!?
Thursday, 21 October 2010
Thursday, 14 October 2010
Monday, 27 September 2010
Went to visit the works car yesterday, with some old school friends. Mr. and Mrs. Dowling were gracious hosts and have asked me to forward their appeal: it needs a re-paint, any one up for it? The society will try, but this is a small job, which just needs some willing hands! My friends were so impressed with 53 that they have joined, we now do a family membership, two adults, and up to three kids for twenty pounds, bargain!
Sunday, 26 September 2010
Wednesday, 22 September 2010
Tuesday, 21 September 2010
Monday, 20 September 2010
Saturday, 18 September 2010
Monday, 13 September 2010
Thursday, 9 September 2010
Monday, 30 August 2010
Thursday, 26 August 2010
Tuesday, 24 August 2010
Well dear readers, more publicity, we are in the Lewes edition of the Sussex Express today, from the sense of the article, I need to walk around in an anorak, not easy in hot weather! The 53 stand is at the Amberley Bus Rally on the 12th of September, so come along and see the chalk pits, the buses and El Presidente.
Tuesday, 17 August 2010
Thursday, 12 August 2010
Back off holiday, nice trams in Montpellier! I hope you all saw the article in the Brighton Evening Argus, on the 2nd of August,there is also the possibility of a TV slot! I hope the Gratz tram is now in the right area, we now need to give her a lick of of paint, but also to get 53 mobile again. If you are thinking about membership, it is only £10 a year, and the work parties are fun, so just do it! Possibility of plans, watch this space!
Saturday, 31 July 2010
We have had to call in the professionals to move the Gratz Tram into final position, we just could not do it ourselves. This should be done on Monday the 2nd of August.Our membership has now reached 35, and so I have written to the farmer to sort out an agreement between the society and himself, as we need to make sure our time and effort is safeguarded. A lot of members have commented about this, so let's see what happens, the best result is for a trust to own 53, that makes grants and Lottery funding a possibility.
Monday, 26 July 2010
Thursday, 22 July 2010
Thursday, 15 July 2010
Had fun yesterday propping up the Gratz tram, in preparation for it's final shift into its proper place.We are back next week to finish this, then we can clean out the inside, put a desk in and get it functioning as the HQ. Have given the Argus the spiel, so I hope they get a story out.Don't forget next Monday at the Lord Nelson pub at 8PM!!!
Wednesday, 7 July 2010
Monday, 5 July 2010
Friday, 2 July 2010
Thursday, 24 June 2010
Thursday, 17 June 2010
Sunday, 13 June 2010
Thursday, 10 June 2010
Wednesday, 2 June 2010
Tomorrow is the day Rowan from the Bluebell gives 53 a professional look over and assessment. We would also like to announce that a 53 website is to be set up, we felt that the blog is getting hard to read, so as soon as it is set up , the address will be here!
The society has been organising the display for the 13th of June, and even a raffle is to be held, prizes include a tram dvd and a year's free membership, so come one, come all!
The society has been organising the display for the 13th of June, and even a raffle is to be held, prizes include a tram dvd and a year's free membership, so come one, come all!
Friday, 28 May 2010
I am pleased to announce that Mr. Roger French of Bton Buses supports our endeavour, and I hope to submit an article to the staff magazine shortly. Please note that we are going to upgrade to a website, as this blog is getting crowded! Watch the skies for more details, and remember a tram is your best friend, so help restore it........
Wednesday, 26 May 2010
I was struck by the workman like approach to the tram's is all to a high standard, but is definitely no frills! Compared to an Edwardian tram that is an easier body to restore, and a comment on the approach to things in 1937.I am still amazed how the steel work has held out, some surface rust, but a little graft will alter that.
Monday, 24 May 2010
We had the first proper meeting of the society last night (23rd of May), and a lot was discussed and agreed upon.I for one, was still basking in the glow of the first work party, what a great bunch of people you are! We will be at the Bton Buses rally on the 13th of June, on Madeira drive, Brighton, so come along and say hello!
Saturday, 22 May 2010
Sunday, 16 May 2010
Wednesday, 12 May 2010
Sunday, 9 May 2010
The one item that hasn't surfaced is a proper plan of 53, or one of a similar class.I would imagine that the plans got burnt at the depot, but hope still lingers that somewhere someone had the sense to save something. There are places besides Brighton to look, but no luck so far, see what your gran has in the attic!
Wednesday, 5 May 2010
Not too much to report, suffice to say, two work parties are being organized, and don't forget the 23rd of May for the meeting! A big thank you to Mr. James Type, who has not only paid his sub for the year, but has become the first to donate a sum of money, which puts him on the roll of sponsors, the first of many I hope!
Wednesday, 28 April 2010
Sorry for the delay in new posts, computer problems.Regarding the inspection of 53 on the 4th of June, I will be speaking to the owner to arrange clearance of the area. The tram is on a trailer, but there is a small tree growing in front of her and that needs to go.53 could also do with a quick clean inside, to make sure Rowan can access all areas. I am aiming for a Saturday in May, can anyone help? It is your chance to see her!
Don't forget the meeting......
Don't forget the meeting......
Sunday, 18 April 2010
Ok folks, the first proper meeting of the 53 Society is on the 23rd of May at 8pm sharp. It is in the rooms of the Brighton Model Railway Club, which is located in the main building of the London Road Railway Station, Ditchling Rise, Brighton, which is on the Bton to Lewes line.If you come up the steps from Ditchling Rise, it is on your left.If you come in from the platform, it is on your right.The meeting will refine the organisation of the society, and hopefully fill any posts left in the committee, so get along!
Friday, 16 April 2010
Tuesday, 13 April 2010
Good news, Rowan from the Bluebell has agreed to come down and see 53 in early June to give a professional assessment of her condition and a costing for repairs.We will need a work party or two to clear the area, so anyone for a spot of light clearing and cleaning? Dates will be set later, once the owner is contacted.
Sunday, 11 April 2010
The 53 bank account is now open, first cheques were put in Friday.This is a two signature account, and at the moment we just want to see money going in! Am looking for a suitable venue for the next meeting, have had one suggestion, if you know of anywhere central, then please....
The next step is to organize the society, and get Rowan down to give a realistic valuation of 53s repair bill. This will entail the first work party to clear the area around 53, but I will organize more before any date is given.
The next step is to organize the society, and get Rowan down to give a realistic valuation of 53s repair bill. This will entail the first work party to clear the area around 53, but I will organize more before any date is given.
Friday, 9 April 2010
Sorry for gap, away to see relatives.This was not without it's use as Big Ade,in-law, imports wood, and can get hold of teak or mahogany.If the framing for 53 needs replacing we are potentially covered, though this won't be cheap! Thank you for all your membership fees, will get back to you shortly.
Wednesday, 31 March 2010
The first people have joined, congrats to John Z and friend! There are to be three signatures on the society cheques, to be flexible and safe.It will be time for the first proper meeting of the society, so watch this space,we all need to be informed and agree on what next.Amberley museum might be interested in keeping 53, we are waiting to confirm this. I have also started work on a draft agreement between the owner and the society, so that any money spent by the society is safe.Remember, even if you live faraway, your ten pounds will help restore this unique vehicle!
Sunday, 28 March 2010
Wow, thank you all for turning up, that was a quick meeting!! It was very heartening to meet you all, welcome aboard indeed!. Good , now let's get cracking! Membership fees are now being taken £10 per year.Please send to me , G.Hall at 14 Malling Down, Lewes, East Sussex, BN7 2BN. Please make cheque payable to Tram 53 society, no paypal, credit card here, sorry! Receipt will be sent, if you could include a stamped addressed envelope, thank you.Now is the time.
Tuesday, 23 March 2010
Thursday, 18 March 2010
Tuesday, 16 March 2010
Monday, 15 March 2010
Mr. John Goddard of Brighton very kindly sent in these superb pictures of some tramway memorabilia he owns.They were from his grandfather originally, and include a built by badge from a tram! Thank you very much for sharing them with us.
Went to the Engineerium Saturday, and spoke to the owner, Mr. Holland. He was very interested, and politely listened to my description of the plans for 53. I did mention about displaying 53 there, and he said he would consider. It is one possible option.
Went to the Engineerium Saturday, and spoke to the owner, Mr. Holland. He was very interested, and politely listened to my description of the plans for 53. I did mention about displaying 53 there, and he said he would consider. It is one possible option.
Thursday, 11 March 2010
In preparation for the first meeting in March, I am pleased to announce that we have a secretary, a publicity officer, and a signatory for the society cheques.If any of you are still hesitating, we still need a treasurer and others....Remember March the 28th at the Hope in Brighton, time 7.30pm.If you have a chance, do go to the James Gray photo collection of the Brighton Regency Society.This is an on-line photo resource of old Brighton and covers all areas.If you go to the Lewes road section, there are shots of the tram depot being constructed,as well as the trams themselves, just type James Gray collection in google!.
Sunday, 7 March 2010
OK, it is time for a meeting! Venue, the Hope Bar, Queens Road, Brighton, just up from the clock tower and close to buses, with a ten minute walk from the main station. Date, Sunday the 28th of March, time 7.30pm.Please make an effort to attend, we need to ratify and set up the Society, it is YOUR chance to make this happen!
Monday, 1 March 2010
My first article has appeared in tramways monthly for 53, check it out on page 20 of the 2010 Feb ,issue at
Sunday, 28 February 2010
I have had some encouraging new contacts, especially as concerns a Brill truck! Though this is in the future, it is worth pursuing! We now have a Publicity Officer, but other slots are still available! It is also time to call a first general meeting to ratify this, it will be in the Brighton area, and I hope for late March.Please get down there if you can, I will try to choose a convenient venue, it would be great to meet up, and I can up-date you in person about what is happening.
Wednesday, 24 February 2010
Tuesday, 23 February 2010
Sunday, 21 February 2010
Have worked on a constitution, and might have a membership secretary. Some authors of local transport history have been most helpful with publicity, and membership applications are beginning to roll in. If any of you are feeling bold, we now need a publicity officer, chiefly to handle a newsletter/magazine. Dare you put yourself forward?
Friday, 19 February 2010
Tuesday, 16 February 2010
Sunday, 14 February 2010
Had a fun day yesterday, handing out leaflets at the Brighton Model world. met a lot of nice people, and got some great pics of trams, including 53 at the depot, stripped and ready to be a shed! The pictures came from Dinnages of Sussex, who have an excellent collection of transport pics! Also had an e-mail from a contact at Brighton council, who was most helpful, so another line can be pursued for 53.
Do go to, as I have dipped quill in ink for a quick article about 53.It is a free on-line mag, and is full of great tram articles. The editor works at Crich, and has promised to help to speed things up there, so more expert advice is available for the project.Don't forget, we are recruiting so e-mail us at and get membership details. It all starts now!
Do go to, as I have dipped quill in ink for a quick article about 53.It is a free on-line mag, and is full of great tram articles. The editor works at Crich, and has promised to help to speed things up there, so more expert advice is available for the project.Don't forget, we are recruiting so e-mail us at and get membership details. It all starts now!
Monday, 8 February 2010
9.25pm, tired from work, but still musing about the wood used on 53. it might be English oak.Interesting point raised by Tony Funnell at the Bluebell yesterday, as it was the last tram, with the shadow of closure over the system, did they bother with quality wood for the tram? It has done a very good job so far, though! Got the book Tramshed to Go-ahead, very interesting read on the history of brighton transport.
Sunday, 7 February 2010
Received scale plans of the fabled Brill 21E truck yesterday, though when I will need then will be a while! Have prepared flyers for the project, and they will be appearing at the Bton Modelworld, so keep an eye out for me! It is time for membership and funds..... Still waiting to hear from the Volks rail people and Crich.
Wednesday, 27 January 2010
Met Rowan from the Bluebell carriage works today, a great guy and a very knowledgeable one. I had taken some photos , so he got some idea of 53's construction.He reckons it would be a teak frame. Rowan gave a very sobering account of what you need to do, including health and safety issues, and also the perils of poor preservation. I think cost wise between £15,000 to 20,000 for the body We also talked about where it would end up, and I am not sure about this.A very useful day.
Tuesday, 26 January 2010
Thursday, 21 January 2010
Tuesday, 19 January 2010
I am now waiting to hear form the National tramway Museum at Crich for some idea of the construction of the body and frames, and also the choice of wood and joints.I want to make sure it is taken apart carefully! I did have an appointment with the Bluebell Railway Coach Dept, but due to the snow, will have to re-book. Watched a DVD called "No Trolleys to Aquarium", all about public transport in Brighton, which had the sad spectre of the Brighton trams being burnt, not a good sight! This is the last chance......
Sunday, 17 January 2010
One of the most important steps has been agreed upon, where to restore the tram.The owner has agreed to extend the present shed it is in, and completely enclose it, power is next door and can easily be fitted to the shed, so that is a major stepping stone. One problem is finding the official plans, whether they survive in some dusty corner of the Council or elsewhere, I do not know, but it is the interior that is lacking in detail .There is one photo, but again, if you know of any others, please let me know.Please bear in mind it is the "F" class, though whether much altered between classes, I don't know!
Saturday, 16 January 2010
Hello, welcome to the blog spot for the restoration of Brighton tramcar Number 53.This tram is the last of the eighty cars run by Brighton Corporation from 1901 to 1939.The aim of the project is to restore the body, add fittings and as a longer term aim, to re-mount on a truck.
The tram currently resides on a farm in Sussex, but now after many years neglect, a group is being formed to restore her glory!Follow the explosive epic here!
The tram currently resides on a farm in Sussex, but now after many years neglect, a group is being formed to restore her glory!Follow the explosive epic here!
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